Fractional quantum integral inequalities.
The purpose of these notes is to give a short survey of an interesting connection between partition functions of supersymmetric gauge theories and hypergeometric functions and to present the recent progress in this direction.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 33D60, 33D90, 26A33Fractional q-integral operators of generalized Weyl type, involving generalized basic hypergeometric functions and a basic analogue of Fox’s H-function have been investigated. A number of integrals involving various q-functions have been evaluated as applications of the main results.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 33D15, 44A10, 44A20The present paper deals with the evaluation of the q-Laplace transforms of a product of basic analogues of the Bessel functions. As applications, several useful special cases have been deduced.
Mathematics Subject Class.: 33C10,33D60,26D15,33D05,33D15,33D90In this paper we give the q-analogue of the higher-order Bessel operators studied by I. Dimovski [3],[4], I. Dimovski and V. Kiryakova [5],[6], M. I. Klyuchantsev [17], V. Kiryakova [15], [16], A. Fitouhi, N. H. Mahmoud and S. A. Ould Ahmed Mahmoud [8], and recently by many other authors. Our objective is twofold. First, using the q-Jackson integral and the q-derivative, we aim at establishing some properties of this function with proofs...
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 33D15, 33D90, 39A13In this paper we study the q-heat and q-Poisson’s operators associated with the q-operator ∆q (see[5]). We begin by summarizing some statements concerning the q-even translation operator Tx,q, defined by Fitouhi and Bouzeffour in [5]. Then, we establish some basic properties of the q-heat semi-group such as boundedness and positivity. In the second part, we introduce the q-Poisson operator P^t, and address its main properties. We show...