Lyapunov stability of quasilinear implicit dynamic equations on time scales.
The classical framework for studying the equations governing the motion of lumped parameter systems presumes one can provide expressions for the forces in terms of kinematical quantities for the individual constituents. This is not possible for a very large class of problems where one can only provide implicit relations between the forces and the kinematical quantities. In certain special cases, one can provide non-invertible expressions for a kinematical quantity in terms of the force, which then...
We study the vibrations of lumped parameter systems, the spring being defined by the classical linear constitutive relationship between the spring force and the elongation while the dashpot is described by a general implicit relationship between the damping force and the velocity. We prove global existence of solutions for the governing equations, and discuss conditions that the implicit relation satisfies that are sufficient for the uniqueness of solutions. We also present some counterexamples...
The method of quasilinearization is a procedure for obtaining approximate solutions of differential equations. In this paper, this technique is applied to a differential-algebraic problem. Under some natural assumptions, monotone sequences converge quadratically to a unique solution of our problem.
A complete solution of an implicit second order ordinary differential equation is defined by an immersive two-parameter family of geometric solutions on the equation hypersurface. We show that a completely integrable equation is either of Clairaut type or of first order type. Moreover, we define a complete singular solution, an immersive one-parameter family of singular solutions on the contact singular set. We give conditions for existence of a complete solution and a complete singular solution...
We consider the existence of extremal solutions to second order discontinuous implicit ordinary differential equations with discontinuous implicit boundary conditions in ordered Banach spaces. We also study the dependence of these solutions on the data, and cases when the extremal solutions are obtained as limits of successive approximations. Examples are given to demonstrate the applicability of the method developed in this paper.
In the paper the comparison method is used to prove the convergence of the Picard iterations, the Seidel iterations, as well as some modifications of these methods applied to approximate solution of systems of differential algebraic equations. The both linear and nonlinear comparison equations are emloyed.
Optimal feedback control depending only on the system state is constructed for a control problem by the non-causal descriptor system for which optimal feedback control depending on state derivatives was considered in the paper (Meuller, 1998). To this end, a non-symmetric solution of the algebraic operator Riccati equation is used.
This paper deals with linear partial differential-algebraic equations (PDAEs) which have a hyperbolic part. If the spatial differential operator satisfies a Gårding-type inequality in a suitable function space setting, a perturbation index can be defined. Theoretical and practical examples are considered.