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The basis property in L p of the boundary value problem rationally dependent on the eigenparameter

N. B. Kerimov, Y. N. Aliyev (2006)

Studia Mathematica

We consider a Sturm-Liouville operator with boundary conditions rationally dependent on the eigenparameter. We study the basis property in L p of the system of eigenfunctions corresponding to this operator. We determine the explicit form of the biorthogonal system. Using this we establish a theorem on the minimality of the part of the system of eigenfunctions. For the basisness in L₂ we prove that the system of eigenfunctions is quadratically close to trigonometric systems. For the basisness in L p ...

The eigenvalues of symmetric Sturm-Liouville problem and inverse potential problem, based on special matrix and product formula

Chein-Shan Liu, Botong Li (2024)

Applications of Mathematics

The Sturm-Liouville eigenvalue problem is symmetric if the coefficients are even functions and the boundary conditions are symmetric. The eigenfunction is expressed in terms of orthonormal bases, which are constructed in a linear space of trial functions by using the Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization technique. Then an n -dimensional matrix eigenvalue problem is derived with a special matrix 𝐀 : = [ a i j ] , that is, a i j = 0 if i + j is odd.Based on the product formula, an integration method with a fictitious time, namely...

The spectra of general differential operators in the direct sum spaces

Sobhy El-sayed Ibrahim (2004)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper, the general ordinary quasi-differential expression M p of n -th order with complex coefficients and its formal adjoint M p + on any finite number of intervals I p = ( a p , b p ) , p = 1 , , N , are considered in the setting of the direct sums of L w p 2 ( a p , b p ) -spaces of functions defined on each of the separate intervals, and a number of results concerning the location of the point spectra and the regularity fields of general differential operators generated by such expressions are obtained. Some of these are extensions or generalizations...

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