On semilinear evolution equations in Banach spaces.
We consider a neutral type operator differential inclusion and apply the topological degree theory for condensing multivalued maps to justify the question of existence of its periodic solution. By using the averaging method, we apply the abstract result to an inclusion with a small parameter. As example, we consider a delay control system with the distributed control.
Si studiano esistenza, unicità e regolarità delle soluzioni strette, classiche e forti dell'equazione di evoluzione non autonoma con il dato iniziale , in uno spazio di Banach . Gli operatori sono generatori infinitesimali di semi-gruppi analitici ed hanno dominio indipendente da e non necessariamente denso in . Si danno condizioni necessarie e sufficienti per l'esistenza e la regolarità hölderiana della soluzione e della sua derivata.
A Lur’e feedback control system consisting of a linear, infinite-dimensional system of boundary control in factor form and a nonlinear static sector type controller is considered. A criterion of absolute strong asymptotic stability of the null equilibrium is obtained using a quadratic form Lyapunov functional. The construction of such a functional is reduced to solving a Lur’e system of equations. A sufficient strict circle criterion of solvability of the latter is found, which is based on results...
A Lur'e feedback control system consisting of a linear, infinite-dimensional system of boundary control in factor form and a nonlinear static sector type controller is considered. A criterion of absolute strong asymptotic stability of the null equilibrium is obtained using a quadratic form Lyapunov functional. The construction of such a functional is reduced to solving a Lur'e system of equations. A sufficient strict circle criterion of solvability of the latter is found, which is based on...