-bounded semigroups and implicit evolution equations.
In this paper we give necessary and sufficient conditions for uniform exponential instability of evolution families in Banach spaces, in terms of Banach function spaces. Versions of some well-known theorems due to Datko, Neerven, Rolewicz and Zabczyk, are obtained for the case of uniform exponential instability of evolution families.
The concept of measures of noncompactness is applied to prove the existence of a solution for a boundary value problem for an infinite system of second order differential equations in space. We change the boundary value problem into an equivalent system of infinite integral equations and result is obtained by using Darbo’s type fixed point theorem. The result is illustrated with help of an example.
The paper deals with the multivalued boundary value problem for a.a. , , in a separable, reflexive Banach space . The nonlinearity is weakly upper semicontinuous in . We prove the existence of global solutions in the Sobolev space with endowed with the weak topology. We consider the case of multiple solutions of the associated homogeneous linearized problem. An example completes the discussion.
We consider boundary value problems for semilinear evolution inclusions. We establish the existence of extremal solutions. Using that result, we show that the evolution inclusion has periodic extremal trajectories. These results are then applied to closed loop control systems. Finally, an example of a semilinear parabolic distributed parameter control system is worked out in detail.
In this paper we prove two existence theorems for abstract boundary value problems controlled by semilinear evolution inclusions in which the nonlinear part is a lower Scorza-Dragoni multifunction. Then, by using these results, we obtain the existence of periodic mild solutions.
Si dà un risultato di esistenza e unicità di una soluzione limitata in per un'equazione di Riccati infinito-dimensionale.
This paper is concerned with the existence of BV and right continuous solutions for some classes of multivalued differential equations on closed moving sets in Banach spaces.
We consider a class of evolution differential inclusions defining the so-called stop operator arising in elastoplasticity, ferromagnetism, and phase transitions. These differential inclusions depend on a constraint which is represented by a convex set that is called the characteristic set. For (bounded variation) data we compare different notions of solutions and study how the continuity properties of the solution operators are related to the characteristic set. In the finite-dimensional case...