Flows and diffeomorphisms.
Let ℳ be the set of pairs (T,g) such that T ⊂ ℝ is compact, g: T → T is continuous, g is minimal on T and has a piecewise monotone extension to convT. Two pairs (T,g),(S,f) from ℳ are equivalent if the map h: orb(minT,g) → orb(minS,f) defined for each m ∈ ℕ₀ by is increasing on orb(minT,g). An equivalence class of this relation-a minimal (oriented) pattern A-is exhibited by a continuous interval map f:I → I if there is a set T ⊂ I such that (T,f|T) = (T,f) ∈ A. We define the forcing relation on...