-smoothness of invariant fiber bundles for dynamic equations on measure chains.
Orthonormal polynomials on the real line {pn (λ)} n=0 ... ∞ satisfy the recurrent relation of the form: λn−1 pn−1 (λ) + αn pn (λ) + λn pn+1 (λ) = λpn (λ), n = 0, 1, 2, . . . , where λn > 0, αn ∈ R, n = 0, 1, . . . ; λ−1 = p−1 = 0, λ ∈ C. In this paper we study systems of polynomials {pn (λ)} n=0 ... ∞ which satisfy the equation: αn−2 pn−2 (λ) + βn−1 pn−1 (λ) + γn pn (λ) + βn pn+1 (λ) + αn pn+2 (λ) = λ2 pn (λ), n = 0, 1, 2, . . . , where αn > 0, βn ∈ C, γn ∈ R, n = 0, 1, 2, . . ., α−1 = α−2...
We investigate the distribution of zeros and shared values of the difference operator on meromorphic functions. In particular, we show that if f is a transcendental meromorphic function of finite order with a small number of poles, c is a non-zero complex constant such that for n ≥ 2, and a is a small function with respect to f, then equals a (≠ 0,∞) at infinitely many points. Uniqueness of difference polynomials with the same 1-points or fixed points is also proved.
Inspiré par un travail de J.-P. Bézivin et F. Gramain sur les systèmes d’équations aux différences, on caractérise les sous-groupes d’un groupe de Lie réel (resp. complexe) , pour lesquels toute fonction continue (resp. entière) telle que l’ensemble des -translatées engendrent un -espace vectoriel de dimension finie, engendrent aussi un -espace vectoriel de dimension finie par - translation. On fait le lien avec les systèmes d’équations aux différences à coefficients constants.
We study the existence and positivity of solutions of a highly nonlinear periodic differential equation. In the process we convert the differential equation into an equivalent integral equation after which appropriate mappings are constructed. We then employ a modification of Krasnoselskii’s fixed point theorem introduced by T. A. Burton ([4], Theorem 3) to show the existence and positivity of solutions of the equation.