Local Field Singular Integrals with Complex Homogeneity.
Let denote the strong maximal operator. Let and denote the one-dimensional Hardy-Littlewood maximal operators in the horizontal and vertical directions in ℝ². A function h supported on the unit square Q = [0,1]×[0,1] is exhibited such that but . It is shown that if f is a function supported on Q such that but , then there exists a set A of finite measure in ℝ² such that .
We establish the Lp boundedness of singular integrals with kernels which belong to block spaces and are supported by subvarities.
We prove analogue statements of the spherical maximal theorem of E. M. Stein, for the lattice points Zn. We decompose the discrete spherical measures as an integral of Gaussian kernels st,ε(x) = e2πi|x|2(t + iε). By using Minkowski's integral inequality it is enough to prove Lp-bounds for the corresponding convolution operators. The proof is then based on L2-estimates by analysing the Fourier transforms ^st,ε(ξ), which can be handled by making use of the circle method for exponential sums. As a...