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( H p , L p ) -type inequalities for the two-dimensional dyadic derivative

Ferenc Weisz (1996)

Studia Mathematica

It is shown that the restricted maximal operator of the two-dimensional dyadic derivative of the dyadic integral is bounded from the two-dimensional dyadic Hardy-Lorentz space H p , q to L p , q (2/3 < p < ∞, 0 < q ≤ ∞) and is of weak type ( L 1 , L 1 ) . As a consequence we show that the dyadic integral of a ∞ function f L 1 is dyadically differentiable and its derivative is f a.e.


Krystian Kazaniecki, Michał Wojciechowski (0)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

ε-Kronecker and I₀ sets in abelian groups, III: interpolation by measures on small sets

Colin C. Graham, Kathryn E. Hare (2005)

Studia Mathematica

Let U be an open subset of a locally compact abelian group G and let E be a subset of its dual group Γ. We say E is I₀(U) if every bounded sequence indexed by E can be interpolated by the Fourier transform of a discrete measure supported on U. We show that if E·Δ is I₀ for all finite subsets Δ of a torsion-free Γ, then for each open U ⊂ G there exists a finite set F ⊂ E such that E∖F is I₀(U). When G is connected, F can be taken to be empty. We obtain a much stronger form of that for Hadamard sets...

ε-Kronecker and I₀ sets in abelian groups, IV: interpolation by non-negative measures

Colin C. Graham, Kathryn E. Hare (2006)

Studia Mathematica

A subset E of a discrete abelian group is a "Fatou-Zygmund interpolation set" (FZI₀ set) if every bounded Hermitian function on E is the restriction of the Fourier-Stieltjes transform of a discrete, non-negative measure. We show that every infinite subset of a discrete abelian group contains an FZI₀ set of the same cardinality (if the group is torsion free, a stronger interpolation property holds) and that ε-Kronecker sets are FZI₀ (with that stronger interpolation property). ...

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