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On the Generalized Associated Legendre Functions

Virchenko, Nina, Rumiantseva, Olena (2008)

Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 33C60, 33C20, 44A15This paper is devoted to an important case of Wright’s hypergeometric function 2Fτ,β1(a, b; c; z) = 2Fτ,β1(z), to studying its basic properties and to application of 2Fτ,β1(z) to the generalization of the associated Legendre functions.

On the two weights problem for the Hilbert transform.

Nets Hawk Katz, Cristina Pereyra (1997)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

In this paper, we prove sufficient conditions on pairs of weights (u,v) (scalar, matrix or operator valued) so that the Hilbert transform H f(x) = p.v. ∫ [f(y) / x - y] dy,is bounded from L2(u) to L2(v).

On the Uniform Convergence of Partial Dunkl Integrals in Besov-Dunkl Spaces

Abdelkefi, Chokri, Sifi, Mohamed (2006)

Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 44A15, 44A35, 46E30In this paper we prove that the partial Dunkl integral ST(f) of f converges to f, as T → +∞ in L^∞(νµ) and we show that the Dunkl transform Fµ(f) of f is in L^1(νµ) when f belongs to a suitable Besov-Dunkl space. We also give sufficient conditions on a function f in order that the Dunkl transform Fµ(f) of f is in a L^p -space.* Supported by 04/UR/15-02.

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 63