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Ridgelet transform on tempered distributions

R. Roopkumar (2010)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We prove that ridgelet transform R : 𝒮 ( 2 ) 𝒮 ( 𝕐 ) and adjoint ridgelet transform R * : 𝒮 ( 𝕐 ) 𝒮 ( 2 ) are continuous, where 𝕐 = + × × [ 0 , 2 π ] . We also define the ridgelet transform on the space 𝒮 ' ( 2 ) of tempered distributions on 2 , adjoint ridgelet transform * on 𝒮 ' ( 𝕐 ) and establish that they are linear, continuous with respect to the weak * -topology, consistent with R , R * respectively, and they satisfy the identity ( * ) ( u ) = u , u 𝒮 ' ( 2 ) .

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