Gâteaux smooth partitions of unity on weakly compactly generated Banach spaces
A classical result of Cembranos and Freniche states that the C(K,X) space contains a complemented copy of c₀ whenever K is an infinite compact Hausdorff space and X is an infinite-dimensional Banach space. This paper takes this result as a starting point and begins a study of conditions under which the spaces C(α), α < ω₁, are quotients of or complemented in C(K,X). In contrast to the c₀ result, we prove that if C(βℕ ×[1,ω],X) contains a complemented copy of then X contains a copy of c₀. Moreover,...
Let X and Y be Banach spaces. An operator G: X → Y is a Daugavet center if ‖G +T‖ = ‖G‖+‖T‖ for every rank-1 operator T. For every Daugavet center G we consider a certain set of operators acting from X, so-called G-narrow operators. We prove that if J is the natural embedding of Y into a Banach space E, then E can be equivalently renormed so that an operator T is (J ○ G)-narrow if and only if T is G-narrow. We study G-rich subspaces of X: Z ⊂ X is called G-rich if the quotient map q: X → X/Z is...