A Banach space determined by the Weil height
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Daniel Allcock, Jeffrey D. Vaaler (2009)
Acta Arithmetica
Antonio Moreno Galindo, Ángel Rodríguez Palacios (2005)
Studia Mathematica
We prove that, for a compact metric space X not reduced to a point, the existence of a bilinear mapping ⋄: C(X) × C(X) → C(X) satisfying ||f⋄g|| = ||f|| ||g|| for all f,g ∈ C(X) is equivalent to the uncountability of X. This is derived from a bilinear version of Holsztyński's theorem [3] on isometries of C(X)-spaces, which is also proved in the paper.
Kalenda, Ondřej (2003)
Serdica Mathematical Journal
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B26, 46B03, 46B04.We prove that a Banach space X is weakly Lindelöf determined if (and only if) each non-separable Banach space isomorphic to a complemented subspace of X has a projectional resolution of the identity. This answers a question posed by S. Mercourakis and S. Negrepontis and yields a converse of Amir-Lindenstrauss’ theorem. We also prove that a Banach space of the form C(K) where K is a continuous image of a Valdivia compactum is weakly Lindelöf...
David Sherman (2006)
Banach Center Publications
Surjective isometries between unital C*-algebras were classified in 1951 by Kadison [K]. In 1972 Paterson and Sinclair [PS] handled the nonunital case by assuming Kadison’s theorem and supplying some supplementary lemmas. Here we combine an observation of Paterson and Sinclair with variations on the methods of Yeadon [Y] and the author [S1], producing a fundamentally new proof of the structure of surjective isometries between (nonunital) C*-algebras. In the final section we indicate how our techniques...
Takahasi, Sin-Ei, Okayasu, Takateru (1995)
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Talponen, J. (2008)
Extracta Mathematicae
Yunbai Dong (2015)
Colloquium Mathematicae
Let X,Y be real Banach spaces and ε > 0. Suppose that f:X → Y is a surjective map satisfying | ∥f(x)-f(y)∥ - ∥x-y∥ | ≤ ε for all x,y ∈ X. Hyers and Ulam asked whether there exists an isometry U and a constant K such that ∥f(x) - Ux∥ ≤ Kε for all x ∈ X. It is well-known that the answer to the Hyers-Ulam problem is positive and K = 2 is the best possible solution with assumption f(0) = U0 = 0. In this paper, using the idea of Figiel's theorem on nonsurjective isometries, we give a new proof of...
Bruce L. Chalmers, Grzegorz Lewicki (2010)
Studia Mathematica
Let V be an n-dimensional real Banach space and let λ(V) denote its absolute projection constant. For any N ∈ N with N ≥ n define , λₙ = supλ(V): dim(V) = n. A well-known Grünbaum conjecture [Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 95 (1960)] says that λ₂ = 4/3. König and Tomczak-Jaegermann [J. Funct. Anal. 119 (1994)] made an attempt to prove this conjecture. Unfortunately, their Proposition 3.1, used in the proof, is incorrect. In this paper a complete proof of the Grünbaum conjecture is presented
B. L. Chalmers, F. T. Metcalf (1992)
Annales Polonici Mathematici
It follows easily from a result of Lindenstrauss that, for any real twodimensional subspace v of L¹, the relative projection constant λ(v;L¹) of v equals its (absolute) projection constant . The purpose of this paper is to recapture this result by exhibiting a simple formula for a subspace V contained in and isometric to v and a projection from C ⊕ V onto V such that , where P₁ is a minimal projection from L¹(ν) onto v. Specifically, if , then , where and .
Zafer Ercan (2005)
Open Mathematics
The paper presents a simple proof of Proposition 8 of [2], based on a new and simple description of isometries between CD 0-spaces.
Singh, R.K. (2005)
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Félix Cabello Sánchez (1999)
Studia Mathematica
Let X be a normed space and the group of all linear surjective isometries of X that are finite-dimensional perturbations of the identity. We prove that if acts transitively on the unit sphere then X must be an inner product space.
Janko Marovt (2006)
Studia Mathematica
Let 𝒳 be a compact Hausdorff space which satisfies the first axiom of countability, I = [0,1] and 𝓒(𝒳,I) the set of all continuous functions from 𝒳 to I. If φ: 𝓒(𝒳,I) → 𝓒(𝒳,I) is a bijective affine map then there exists a homeomorphism μ: 𝒳 → 𝒳 such that for every component C in 𝒳 we have either φ(f)(x) = f(μ(x)), f ∈ 𝓒(𝒳,I), x ∈ C, or φ(f)(x) = 1-f(μ(x)), f ∈ 𝓒(𝒳,I), x ∈ C.
Fernanda Botelho, James Jamison (2008)
Studia Mathematica
The algebraic and topological reflexivity of C(X) and C(X,E) are investigated by using representations for the into isometries due to Holsztyński and Cambern.
I. A. Vestfrid (2004)
Colloquium Mathematicae
We investigate Hyers-Ulam stability of non-surjective ε-isomeries of Banach spaces. We also pose and discuss an open problem.
Walden Freedman (1997)
Studia Mathematica
An alternative to the Dunford-Pettis Property, called the DP1-property, is introduced. Its relationship to the Dunford-Pettis Property and other related properties is examined. It is shown that -direct sums of spaces with DP1 have DP1 if 1 ≤ p < ∞. It is also shown that for preduals of von Neumann algebras, DP1 is strictly weaker than the Dunford-Pettis Property, while for von Neumann algebras, the two properties are equivalent.
Elisa R. Santos (2014)
Studia Mathematica
We introduce a weaker version of the polynomial Daugavet property: a Banach space X has the alternative polynomial Daugavet property (APDP) if every weakly compact polynomial P: X → X satisfies . We study the stability of the APDP by c₀-, - and ℓ₁-sums of Banach spaces. As a consequence, we obtain examples of Banach spaces with the APDP, namely and C(K,X), where X has the APDP.
Kalenda, Ondrej (1999)
Serdica Mathematical Journal
∗ Supported by Research grants GAUK 190/96 and GAUK 1/1998We prove that the dual unit ball of the space C0 [0, ω1 ) endowed with the weak* topology is not a Valdivia compact. This answers a question posed to the author by V. Zizler and has several consequences. Namely, it yields an example of an affine continuous image of a convex Valdivia compact (in the weak* topology of a dual Banach space) which is not Valdivia, and shows that the property of the dual unit ball being Valdivia is not an isomorphic...
Richard Aron (2002)
Extracta Mathematicae
Chen Dongyang (2004)
Collectanea Mathematica
Let X be a real Banach space that does not contain a copy of l1. Then X* contains asymptotically isometric copies of l1 if and only if X has a quotient which is asymptotically isometric to c0.
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