Schatten class Toeplitz operators acting on large weighted Bergman spaces
A full description of the membership in the Schatten ideal for 0 < p < ∞ of Toeplitz operators acting on large weighted Bergman spaces is obtained.
A full description of the membership in the Schatten ideal for 0 < p < ∞ of Toeplitz operators acting on large weighted Bergman spaces is obtained.
We give an elementary approach which allows us to evaluate Seip's conditions characterizing interpolating and sampling sequences in weighted Bergman spaces of infinite order for a wide class of weights depending on the distance to the boundary of the domain. Our results also give some information on cases not covered by Seip's theory. Moreover, we obtain new criteria for weights to be essential.
We prove that if is not a Kunen cardinal, then there is a uniform Eberlein compact space K such that the Banach space C(K) does not embed isometrically into . We prove a similar result for isomorphic embeddings. Our arguments are minor modifications of the proofs of analogous results for Corson compacta obtained by S. Todorčević. We also construct a consistent example of a uniform Eberlein compactum whose space of continuous functions embeds isomorphically into , but fails to embed isometrically....
We take another approach to the well known theorem of Korovkin, in the following situation: X, Y are compact Hausdorff spaces, M is a unital subspace of the Banach space C(X) (respectively, ) of all complex-valued (resp., real-valued) continuous functions on X, S ⊂ M a complex (resp., real) function space on X, ϕₙ a sequence of unital linear contractions from M into C(Y) (resp., ), and a linear isometry from M into C(Y) (resp., ). We show, under the assumption that , where is the Choquet...