On the Aharonov-Casher formula for different self-adjoint extensions of the Pauli operator with singular magnetic field.
We prove existence and uniqueness of classical solutions for an incomplete second-order abstract Cauchy problem associated with operators which have polynomially bounded resolvent. Some examples of differential operators to which our abstract result applies are also included.
A simpler proof of a result of Burq [1] is presented.
Two generalizations of the notion of principal eigenvalue for elliptic operators in are examined in this paper. We prove several results comparing these two eigenvalues in various settings: general operators in dimension one; self-adjoint operators; and “limit periodic” operators. These results apply to questions of existence and uniqueness for some semilinear problems in the whole space. We also indicate several outstanding open problems and formulate some conjectures.
Let be a second order, uniformly elliptic, non variational operator with coefficients which are bounded and measurable in () and continuous in . Then, if is a bounded domain, we prove that is dense in for any .
We consider the Laplace operator in a planar waveguide, i.e. an infinite two-dimensional straight strip of constant width, with Robin boundary conditions. We study the essential spectrum of the corresponding Laplacian when the boundary coupling function has a limit at infinity. Furthermore, we derive sufficient conditions for the existence of discrete spectrum.