An existence theorem for an implicit nonlinear evolution equation.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the problem of finding a common element of the set of solutions for mixed equilibrium problems, the set of solutions of the variational inclusion problems for inverse strongly monotone mappings and the set of common fixed points for an infinite family of strictly pseudo-contractive mappings in the setting of Hilbert spaces. We prove the strong convergence theorem by using the viscosity approximation method for finding the common element of the above four...
A class of infinite-dimensional dissipative dynamical systems is defined for which there exists a unique equilibrium point, and the rate of convergence to this point of the trajectories of a dynamical system from the above class is exponential. All the trajectories of the system converge to this point as t → +∞, no matter what the initial conditions are. This class consists of strongly dissipative systems. An example of such systems is provided by passive systems in network theory (see, e.g., MR0601947...
Let D be a hyperbolic convex domain in a complex Banach space. Let the mapping F ∈ Hol(D,D) be bounded on each subset strictly inside D, and have a nonempty fixed point set ℱ in D. We consider several methods for constructing retractions onto ℱ under local assumptions of ergodic type. Furthermore, we study the asymptotic behavior of the Cesàro averages of one-parameter semigroups generated by holomorphic mappings.
Global solvability and asymptotics of semilinear parabolic Cauchy problems in are considered. Following the approach of A. Mielke [15] these problems are investigated in weighted Sobolev spaces. The paper provides also a theory of second order elliptic operators in such spaces considered over , . In particular, the generation of analytic semigroups and the embeddings for the domains of fractional powers of elliptic operators are discussed.
We investigate the long-time behaviour of solutions to the Korteweg-de Vries equation with a zero order dissipation and an additional forcing term, when the space variable varies over , and prove that it is described by a maximal compact attractor in .