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Biduals of tensor products in operator spaces

Verónica Dimant, Maite Fernández-Unzueta (2015)

Studia Mathematica

We study whether the operator space V * * α W * * can be identified with a subspace of the bidual space ( V α W ) * * , for a given operator space tensor norm. We prove that this can be done if α is finitely generated and V and W are locally reflexive. If in addition the dual spaces are locally reflexive and the bidual spaces have the completely bounded approximation property, then the identification is through a complete isomorphism. When α is the projective, Haagerup or injective norm, the hypotheses can be weakened.

M-ideals of homogeneous polynomials

Verónica Dimant (2011)

Studia Mathematica

We study the problem of whether w ( E ) , the space of n-homogeneous polynomials which are weakly continuous on bounded sets, is an M-ideal in the space (ⁿE) of continuous n-homogeneous polynomials. We obtain conditions that ensure this fact and present some examples. We prove that if w ( E ) is an M-ideal in (ⁿE), then w ( E ) coincides with w 0 ( E ) (n-homogeneous polynomials that are weakly continuous on bounded sets at 0). We introduce a polynomial version of property (M) and derive that if w ( E ) = w 0 ( E ) and (E) is an M-ideal in...

Multilinear Hölder-type inequalities on Lorentz sequence spaces

Daniel Carando, Verónica Dimant, Pablo Sevilla-Peris (2009)

Studia Mathematica

We establish Hölder-type inequalities for Lorentz sequence spaces and their duals. In order to achieve these and some related inequalities, we study diagonal multilinear forms in general sequence spaces, and obtain estimates for their norms. We also consider norms of multilinear forms in different Banach multilinear ideals.

On multilinear generalizations of the concept of nuclear operators

Dahmane Achour, Ahlem Alouani (2010)

Colloquium Mathematicae

This paper introduces the class of Cohen p-nuclear m-linear operators between Banach spaces. A characterization in terms of Pietsch's domination theorem is proved. The interpretation in terms of factorization gives a factorization theorem similar to Kwapień's factorization theorem for dominated linear operators. Connections with the theory of absolutely summing m-linear operators are established. As a consequence of our results, we show that every Cohen p-nuclear (1 < p ≤ ∞ ) m-linear mapping...

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