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Let G be a locally compact group, and let A(G) and B(G) denote its Fourier and Fourier-Stieltjes algebras. These algebras are dual objects of the group and measure algebras, and M(G), in a sense which generalizes the Pontryagin duality theorem on abelian groups. We wish to consider the amenability properties of A(G) and B(G) and compare them to such properties for and M(G). For us, “amenability properties” refers to amenability, weak amenability, and biflatness, as well as some properties which...
We study whether the operator space can be identified with a subspace of the bidual space , for a given operator space tensor norm. We prove that this can be done if α is finitely generated and V and W are locally reflexive. If in addition the dual spaces are locally reflexive and the bidual spaces have the completely bounded approximation property, then the identification is through a complete isomorphism. When α is the projective, Haagerup or injective norm, the hypotheses can be weakened.
Let X be a closed subspace of B(H) for some Hilbert space
H. In [9], Pisier introduced Sp [X] (1 ≤ p ≤ +∞) by setting Sp [X] =
(S∞ [X] , S1 [X])θ , (where θ =1/p , S∞ [X] = S∞ ⊗min X and S1 [X] = S1 ⊗∧ X)
and showed that there are p−matricially normed spaces. In this paper we
prove that conversely, if X is a p−matricially normed space with p = 1,
then there is an operator structure on X, such that M1,n (X) = S1 [X] where
Sn,1 [X] is the finite dimentional version of S1 [X]. For p...
In this paper, we introduce and study the notion of completely bounded sets ( for short) for compact, non-abelian groups G. We characterize sets in terms of completely bounded multipliers. We prove that when G is an infinite product of special unitary groups of arbitrarily large dimension, there are sets consisting of representations of unbounded degree that are sets for all p < ∞, but are not for any p ≥ 4. This is done by showing that the space of completely bounded multipliers...
We study two related questions. (1) For a compact group G, what are the ranges of the convolution maps on A(G × G) given for u,v in A(G) by u × v ↦ u*v̌ (v̌(s) = v(s^-1)) and u × v ↦ u*v? (2) For a locally compact group G and a compact subgroup K, what are the amenability properties of the Fourier algebra of the coset space A(G/K)? The algebra A(G/K) was defined and studied by the first named author.
In answering the first question, we obtain, for compact groups which do not...
The notion of ℱ-approximate order unit norm for ordered ℱ-bimodules is introduced and characterized in terms of order-theoretic and geometric concepts. Using this notion, we characterize the inductive limit of matrix order unit spaces.
We show that, if a a finite-dimensional operator space E is such that X contains E C-completely isomorphically whenever X** contains E completely isometrically, then E is -completely isomorphic to Rₘ ⊕ Cₙ for some n, m ∈ ℕ ∪ 0. The converse is also true: if X** contains Rₘ ⊕ Cₙ λ-completely isomorphically, then X contains Rₘ ⊕ Cₙ (2λ + ε)-completely isomorphically for any ε > 0.
This paper may be viewed as having two aims. First, we continue our study of algebras of operators on a Hilbert space which have a contractive approximate identity, this time from a more Banach-algebraic point of view. Namely, we mainly investigate topics concerned with the ideal structure, and hereditary subalgebras (or HSA's, which are in some sense a generalization of ideals). Second, we study properties of operator algebras which are hereditary subalgebras in their bidual, or equivalently which...
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B28, 47D15.In this paper we introduce and study the lp-lattice summing operators in the category of operator spaces which are the analogous of p-lattice summing operators in the commutative case. We study some interesting characterizations of this type of operators which generalize the results of Nielsen and Szulga and we show that Λ l∞( B(H) ,OH) ≠ Λ l2( B( H) ,OH), in opposition to the commutative case.
a recent paper of the first author and Kashyap, a new class of Banach modules over dual operator algebras is introduced. These generalize the W*-modules (that is, Hilbert C*-modules over a von Neumann algebra which satisfy an analogue of the Riesz representation theorem for Hilbert spaces), which in turn generalize Hilbert spaces. In the present paper, we describe these modules, giving some motivation, and we prove several new results about them.
It is proved that for a von Neumann algebra A ⊆ B(ℋ ) the subspace of normal maps is dense in the space of all completely bounded A-bimodule homomorphisms of B(ℋ ) in the point norm topology if and only if the same holds for the corresponding unit balls, which is the case if and only if A is atomic with no central summands of type . Then a duality result for normal operator modules is presented and applied to the following problem. Given an operator space X and a von Neumann algebra A, is the map...
We introduce and study a new concept of strongly -summing m-linear operators in the category of operator spaces. We give some characterizations of this notion such as the Pietsch domination theorem and we show that an m-linear operator is strongly -summing if and only if its adjoint is -summing.
We first study positivity in C*-modules using tripotents ( = partial isometries) which are what we call open. This is then used to study ordered operator spaces via an "ordered noncommutative Shilov boundary" which we introduce. This boundary satisfies the usual universal diagram/property of the noncommutative Shilov boundary, but with all the arrows completely positive. Because of their independent interest, we also systematically study open tripotents and their properties.
Let G be a locally compact group. We use the canonical operator space structure on the spaces for p ∈ [1,∞] introduced by G. Pisier to define operator space analogues of the classical Figà-Talamanca-Herz algebras . If p ∈ (1,∞) is arbitrary, then and the inclusion is a contraction; if p = 2, then OA₂(G) ≅ A(G) as Banach spaces, but not necessarily as operator spaces. We show that is a completely contractive Banach algebra for each p ∈ (1,∞), and that completely contractively for amenable...
Let G be a locally compact group, A(G) its Fourier algebra and L¹(G) the space of Haar integrable functions on G. We study the Segal algebra S¹A(G) = A(G) ∩ L¹(G) in A(G). It admits an operator space structure which makes it a completely contractive Banach algebra. We compute the dual space of S¹A(G). We use it to show that the restriction operator , for some non-open closed subgroups H, is a surjective complete quotient map. We also show that if N is a non-compact closed subgroup, then the averaging...
We generalize an important class of Banach spaces, the M-embedded Banach spaces, to the non-commutative setting of operator spaces. The one-sided M-embedded operator spaces are the operator spaces which are one-sided M-ideals in their second dual. We show that several properties from the classical setting, like the stability under taking subspaces and quotients, unique extension property, Radon-Nikodým property and many more, are retained in the non-commutative setting. We also discuss the dual...
We show that there are well separated families of quantum expanders with asymptotically the maximal cardinality allowed by a known upper bound. This has applications to the “growth" of certain operator spaces: It implies asymptotically sharp estimates for the growth of the multiplicity of -spaces needed to represent (up to a constant ) the -version of the -dimensional operator Hilbert space as a direct sum of copies of . We show that, when is close to 1, this multiplicity grows as for...
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