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Special issue on decentralized control of large scale complex systems

Lubomír Bakule (2009)


This special issue provides information on current and future research directions in the emerging field of Decentralized Control of Large Scale Complex Systems. There is generally adopted view that a dynamic system is large scale complex whenever it is necessary to partition its analysis or synthesis problem to manageable subproblems. Its fundamental characteristics in modeling and control are high dimensionality, uncertainty, information structure constraints, and delays. Theory of large scale...

Time domain decomposition in final value optimal control of the Maxwell system

John E. Lagnese, G. Leugering (2002)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We consider a boundary optimal control problem for the Maxwell system with a final value cost criterion. We introduce a time domain decomposition procedure for the corresponding optimality system which leads to a sequence of uncoupled optimality systems of local-in-time optimal control problems. In the limit full recovery of the coupling conditions is achieved, and, hence, the local solutions and controls converge to the global ones. The process is inherently parallel and is suitable for real-time...

Time Domain Decomposition in Final Value Optimal Control of the Maxwell System

John E. Lagnese, G. Leugering (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We consider a boundary optimal control problem for the Maxwell system with a final value cost criterion. We introduce a time domain decomposition procedure for the corresponding optimality system which leads to a sequence of uncoupled optimality systems of local-in-time optimal control problems. In the limit full recovery of the coupling conditions is achieved, and, hence, the local solutions and controls converge to the global ones. The process is inherently parallel and is suitable for real-time...

Two-stage stochastic programming approach to a PDE-constrained steel production problem with the moving interface

Lubomír Klimeš, Pavel Popela, Tomáš Mauder, Josef Štětina, Pavel Charvát (2017)


The paper is concerned with a parallel implementation of the progressive hedging algorithm (PHA) which is applicable for the solution of stochastic optimization problems. We utilized the Message Passing Interface (MPI) and the General Algebraic Modelling System (GAMS) to concurrently solve the scenario-related subproblems in parallel manner. The standalone application combining the PHA, MPI, and GAMS was programmed in C++. The created software was successfully applied to a steel production problem...

Warm-start cuts for Generalized Benders Decomposition

Jakub Kůdela, Pavel Popela (2017)


In this paper, we describe a decomposition algorithm suitable for two-stage convex stochastic programs known as Generalized Benders Decomposition. For this algorithm we propose a new reformulation that incorporates a lower bound cut that serves as a warm-start, decreasing the overall computation time. Additionally, we test the performance of the proposed reformulation on two modifications of the algorithm (bunching and multicut) using numerical examples. The numerical part is programmed in MATLAB...

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