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On Blocking Sets in Affine Hjelmslev Planes

Boev, Stoyan, Landjev, Ivan (2012)

Serdica Journal of Computing

ACM Computing Classification System (1998): G.2.1.We prove that the minimum size of an affine blocking set in the affine plane AHG ...This research has been supported by the Scientific Research Fund of Sofia University under Contract No 109/09.05.2012.

On sets of vectors of a finite vector space in which every subset of basis size is a basis

Simeon Ball (2012)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

It is shown that the maximum size of a set S of vectors of a k -dimensional vector space over 𝔽 q , with the property that every subset of size k is a basis, is at most q + 1 , if k p , and at most q + k p , if q k p + 1 4 , where q = p k and p is prime. Moreover, for k p , the sets S of maximum size are classified, generalising Beniamino Segre’s “arc is a conic” theorem. These results have various implications. One such implication is that a k × ( p + 2 ) matrix, with k p and entries from 𝔽 p , has k columns which are linearly dependent. Another is...

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