Beitrag zur Sphärik
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Meissel (1879)
Mathematische Annalen
Roland K.W. Roeder (2006)
Publicacions Matemàtiques
Given a combinatorial description C of a polyhedron having E edges, the space of dihedral angles of all compact hyperbolic polyhedra that realize C is generally not a convex subset of RE. If C has five or more faces, Andreev's Theorem states that the corresponding space of dihedral angles AC obtained by restricting to non-obtuse angles is a convex polytope. In this paper we explain why Andreev did not consider tetrahedra, the only polyhedra having fewer than five faces, by demonstrating that the...
Marshall, T.H., Martin, G.J. (2005)
Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Mathematica
Compagnon (1872)
Nouvelles annales de mathématiques : journal des candidats aux écoles polytechnique et normale
von Gagern, Martin, Richter-Gebert, Jürgen (2009)
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics [electronic only]
Xiliang Bao, Francis Bonahon (2002)
Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France
A hyperideal polyhedron is a non-compact polyhedron in the hyperbolic -space which, in the projective model for , is just the intersection of with a projective polyhedron whose vertices are all outside and whose edges all meet . We classify hyperideal polyhedra, up to isometries of , in terms of their combinatorial type and of their dihedral angles.
R. Krasnodębski (1970)
Colloquium Mathematicae
František Hromádko (1882)
Časopis pro pěstování mathematiky a fysiky
Jean-Marc Schlenker (2002/2003)
Séminaire Bourbaki
On sait depuis les travaux de Bricard et de Connelly qu’il existe dans l’espace euclidien des polyèdres (non convexes) qui sont flexibles : on peut les déformer continûment sans changer la forme de leurs faces. La conjecture des soufflets affirme que le volume interieur de ces polyèdres est constant au cours de la déformation. Elle a été démontrée récemment par I. Sabitov, qui a pour cela utilisé des outils algébriques inattendus dans ce contexte.
N. Goffart (1884)
Nouvelles annales de mathématiques : journal des candidats aux écoles polytechnique et normale
E. Collignon (1879)
Nouvelles annales de mathématiques : journal des candidats aux écoles polytechnique et normale
Lionnet (1869)
Nouvelles annales de mathématiques : journal des candidats aux écoles polytechnique et normale
František Josef Studnička (1875)
Časopis pro pěstování mathematiky a fysiky
Kántor, Sándor (1998)
Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie
Bukor, József (2008)
Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae
Karlıǧa, Baki (1996)
Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie
Cantor (1872)
Mathematische Annalen
Pambuccian, Victor (2003)
Mathematica Pannonica
Francisco Perdomo, Ángel Plaza (2014)
Open Mathematics
The Longest-Edge (LE) bisection of a triangle is obtained by joining the midpoint of its longest edge with the opposite vertex. Here two properties of the longest-edge bisection scheme for triangles are proved. For any triangle, the number of distinct triangles (up to similarity) generated by longest-edge bisection is finite. In addition, if LE-bisection is iteratively applied to an initial triangle, then minimum angle of the resulting triangles is greater or equal than a half of the minimum angle...
Araújo, P.V. (1998)
Portugaliae Mathematica
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