Tangentes a uma cônica.
This paper follows the article by V. Medek which solves the problem of finding the boundary of a convex polyhedron in both parallel and central projections. The aim is to give a method which yields a simple algorithm for the automation of an arbitrary graphic projection of a convex polyhedron. Section 1 of this paper recalls some necessary concepts from the graph theory. In Section 2 graphs are applied to determine visibility of a convex polyhedron.
We study the dynamics of a map generated via geometric circle inversion. In particular, we define multiple circle inversion and investigate the dynamics of such maps and their corresponding Julia sets.
Restricting his considerations to the Euclidean plane, the author shows a method leading to the solution of the equivalence problem for all Lie groups of motions. Further, he presents all transitive one-parametric system of motions in the Euclidean plane.
We characterize an important class of generalized projective geometries by the following essentially equivalent properties: (1) admits a central null-system; (2) admits inner polarities: (3) is associated to a unital Jordan algebra. These geometries, called of the first kind, play in the category of generalized projective geometries a rôle comparable to the one of the projective line in the category of ordinary projective geometries. In this general set-up, we prove an analogue of von Staudt’s...