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New topological measures on the torus

Finn F. Knudsen (2005)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Recently Entov and Polterovich asked if the Grubb measure was the only symplectic topological measure on the torus. Much to our surprise we discovered a whole new class of intrinsic simple topological measures on the torus, many of which were symplectic.

Non singular Hamiltonian systems and geodesic flows on surfaces with negative curvature.

Ernesto A. Lacomba, J. Guadalupe Reyes (1998)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

We extend here results for escapes in any given direction of the configuration space of a mechanical system with a non singular bounded at infinity homogeneus potential of degree -1, when the energy is positive. We use geometrical methods for analyzing the parallel and asymptotic escapes of this type of systems. By using Riemannian geometry methods we prove under suitable conditions on the potential that all the orbits escaping in a given direction are asymptotically parallel among themselves. We...

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