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The universal separable metric space of Urysohn and isometric embeddings thereof in Вanach spaces

M. Holmes (1992)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

This paper is an investigation of the universal separable metric space up to isometry U discovered by Urysohn. A concrete construction of U as a metric subspace of the space C[0,1] of functions from [0,1] to the reals with the supremum metric is given. An answer is given to a question of Sierpiński on isometric embeddings of U in C[0,1]. It is shown that the closed linear span of an isometric copy of U in a Banach space which contains the zero of the Banach space is determined up to linear isometry....

True preimages of compact or separable sets for functional analysts

Lech Drewnowski (2020)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We discuss various results on the existence of ‘true’ preimages under continuous open maps between F -spaces, F -lattices and some other spaces. The aim of the paper is to provide accessible proofs of this sort of results for functional-analysts.

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