Fixed points of certain symmetric product mappings of a metric manifold
Under suitable conditions we prove the existence of fixed points of fuzzy monotone multifunctions.
For a class of multivalued contractions with nonclosed, nonconvex values, the set of all fixed points is proved to be nonempty and arcwise connected. Two applications are then developed. In particular, one of them is concerned with some properties of the set of all classical trajectories corresponding to continuous controls for a given nonlinear control system.
Introduction Many authors have developed the topological degree theory and the fixed point theory for set-valued maps using homological techniques (see for example [19, 28, 27, 16]). Lately, an elementary technique of single-valued approximation (on the graph) (see [11, 1, 13, 5, 9, 2, 6, 7]) has been used in constructing the fixed point index for set-valued maps with compact values (see [21, 20, 4]). In [20, 4] authors consider set-valued upper semicontinuous...
We prove the existence of a fixed point of non-expanding fuzzy multifunctions in -fuzzy preordered sets. Furthermore, we establish the existence of least and minimal fixed points of non-expanding fuzzy multifunctions in -fuzzy ordered sets.