Théorie de Smith algébrique et classification des --injectifs
We employ Massey products to find sharper lower bounds for the Schwarz genus of a fibration than those previously known. In particular we give examples of non-formal spaces X for which the topological complexity TC(X) (defined to be the genus of the free path fibration on X) is greater than the zero-divisors cup-length plus one.
We prove that a metric space is an ANR if, and only if, every open subset of X has the homotopy type of a CW-complex.
We prove that for every compactum X and every integer n ≥ 2 there are a compactum Z of dimension ≤ n+1 and a surjective -map r: Z → X such that for every abelian group G and every integer k ≥ 2 such that we have and r is G-acyclic.