Homologie de Steenrod-Sitnikov et limite homotopique algebrique.
We show the existence of a finite polyhedron P dominating infinitely many different homotopy types of finite polyhedra and such that there is a bound on the lengths of all strictly descending sequences of homotopy types dominated by P. This answers a question of K. Borsuk (1979) dealing with shape-theoretic notions of "capacity" and "depth" of compact metric spaces. Moreover, π₁(P) may be any given non-abelian poly-ℤ-group and dim P may be any given integer n ≥ 3.
In this paper we introduce a class of maps possessing a multivalued homotopy lifting property with respect to every topological space. We call these maps multifibrations and they represent a formally stronger concept than that of shape fibration. Multifibrations have the interesting property of being characterized in a completely intrinsic way by a path lifting property involving only the total and the base space of the fibration. We also show that multifibrations (and also, with some restrictions,...