On the exact completion of the homotopy category M. Gran, E. M. Vitale (1998) Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques
On the Finiteness Obstruction of Nilpotent Spaces of the Same Genus. Zdzislaw Wojtkowiak (1979) Mathematische Zeitschrift
On the fundamental dimension of approximatively 1-connected compacta Sławomir Nowak (1975) Fundamenta Mathematicae
On the homotopy embeddability of complexes in Euclidean space. I. The weak thickening theorem. John R. Klein (1993) Mathematische Zeitschrift
On the Hurewicz theorem for wedge sum of spheres. Dalmagro, Fermin, Quintana, Yamilet (2005) Revista Colombiana de Matemáticas
On the Lusternik-Schnirelmann category in the theory of shape Karol Borsuk (1978) Fundamenta Mathematicae
On three types of simplicial objects S. Balcerzyk, Phan Chan, R. Kiełpiński (1976) Fundamenta Mathematicae
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On Δ-spaces and fundamental dimension in the sense of Borsuk Yukihiro Kodama (1975) Fundamenta Mathematicae