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On a probabilistic interpretation of shape derivatives of Dirichlet groundstates with application to Fermion nodes

Mathias Rousset (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

This paper considers Schrödinger operators, and presents a probabilistic interpretation of the variation (or shape derivative) of the Dirichlet groundstate energy when the associated domain is perturbed. This interpretation relies on the distribution on the boundary of a stopped random process with Feynman-Kac weights. Practical computations require in addition the explicit approximation of the normal derivative of the groundstate on the boundary. We then propose to use this formulation in the...

On Backward Stochastic Differential Equations Approach to Valuation of American Options

Tomasz Klimsiak, Andrzej Rozkosz (2011)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

We consider the problem of valuation of American (call and put) options written on a dividend paying stock governed by the geometric Brownian motion. We show that the value function has two different but related representations: by means of a solution of some nonlinear backward stochastic differential equation, and by a weak solution to some semilinear partial differential equation.

On Existence of Local Martingale Measures for Insiders who Can Stop at Honest Times

Jakub Zwierz (2007)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

We consider a market with two types of agents with different levels of information. In addition to a regular agent, there is an insider whose additional knowledge consists of being able to stop at an honest time Λ. We show, using the multiplicative decomposition of the Azéma supermartingale, that if the martingale part of the price process has the predictable representation property and Λ satisfies some mild assumptions, then there is no equivalent local martingale measure for the insider. This...

On forward and inverse uncertainty quantification for a model for a magneto mechanical device involving a hysteresis operator

Olaf Klein (2023)

Applications of Mathematics

Modeling real world objects and processes one may have to deal with hysteresis effects but also with uncertainties. Following D. Davino, P. Krejčí, and C. Visone (2013), a model for a magnetostrictive material involving a generalized Prandtl-Ishlinski-operator is considered here. Using results of measurements, some parameters in the model are determined and inverse Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) is used to determine random densities to describe the remaining parameters and their uncertainties....

On mild solutions of gradient systems in Hilbert spaces

Andrzej Rozkosz (2013)

Open Mathematics

We consider the Cauchy problem for an infinite-dimensional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck equation perturbed by gradient of a potential. We prove some results on existence and uniqueness of mild solutions of the problem. We also provide stochastic representation of mild solutions in terms of linear backward stochastic differential equations determined by the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operator and the potential.

On pathwise uniqueness for stochastic differential equations driven by stable Lévy processes

Nicolas Fournier (2013)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We study a one-dimensional stochastic differential equation driven by a stable Lévy process of order α with drift and diffusion coefficients b , σ . When α ( 1 , 2 ) , we investigate pathwise uniqueness for this equation. When α ( 0 , 1 ) , we study another stochastic differential equation, which is equivalent in law, but for which pathwise uniqueness holds under much weaker conditions. We obtain various results, depending on whether α ( 0 , 1 ) or α ( 1 , 2 ) and on whether the driving stable process is symmetric or not. Our assumptions...

On Poisson-Dirichlet problems with polynomial data

Henryk Gzyl (2002)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

In this note we provide a probabilistic proof that Poisson and/or Dirichlet problems in an ellipsoid in Rd, that have polynomial data, also have polynomial solutions. Our proofs use basic stochastic calculus. The existing proofs are based on famous lemma by E. Fisher which we do not use, and present a simple martingale proof of it as well.

On the regularity of stochastic currents, fractional brownian motion and applications to a turbulence model

Franco Flandoli, Massimiliano Gubinelli, Francesco Russo (2009)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We study the pathwise regularity of the map φ↦I(φ)=∫0T〈φ(Xt), dXt〉, where φ is a vector function on ℝd belonging to some Banach space V, X is a stochastic process and the integral is some version of a stochastic integral defined via regularization. A continuous version of this map, seen as a random element of the topological dual of V will be called stochastic current. We give sufficient conditions for the current to live in some Sobolev space of distributions and we provide elements to conjecture...

Optimal control of a stochastic heat equation with boundary-noise and boundary-control

Arnaud Debussche, Marco Fuhrman, Gianmario Tessitore (2007)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We are concerned with the optimal control of a nonlinear stochastic heat equation on a bounded real interval with Neumann boundary conditions. The specificity here is that both the control and the noise act on the boundary. We start by reformulating the state equation as an infinite dimensional stochastic evolution equation. The first main result of the paper is the proof of existence and uniqueness of a mild solution for the corresponding Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation. The C1 regularity...

Option pricing in a CEV model with liquidity costs

Krzysztof Turek (2016)

Applicationes Mathematicae

The goal of this paper is to make an attempt to generalise the model of pricing European options with an illiquid underlying asset considered by Rogers and Singh (2010). We assume that an investor's decisions have only a temporary effect on the price, which is proportional to the square of the change of the number of asset units in the investor's portfolio. We also assume that the underlying asset price follows a CEV model. To prove existence and uniqueness of the solution, we use techniques similar...

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