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On main characteristics of the M / M / 1 / N queue with single and batch arrivals and the queue size controlled by AQM algorithms

Wojciech M. Kempa (2011)


In the article finite-buffer queueing systems of the M / M / 1 / N type with queue size controlled by AQM algorithms are considered, separately for single and batch arrivals. In the latter case two different acceptance strategies: WBAS (Whole Batch Acceptance Strategy) and PBAS (Partial Batch Acceptance Strategy) are distinguished. Three essential characteristics of the system are investigated: the stationary queue-size distribution, the number of consecutively dropped packets (batches of packets) and the time...

On optimal replacement policy

Raimi Ajibola Kasumu, Antonín Lešanovský (1983)

Aplikace matematiky

A system with a single activated unit which can be in k + 1 states is considered. Inspections of the system are carried out at discrete time instants. The process of deterioration of the unit is supposed to be Markovian. The unit by its operation brings an income which is monotonically dependent on its state. A replacement of the unit is associated with certain costs. The paper gives an effective algorithm for finding the replacement strategy maximizing the average income of the system per unit time....

On quenched and annealed critical curves of random pinning model with finite range correlations

Julien Poisat (2013)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

This paper focuses on directed polymers pinned at a disordered and correlated interface. We assume that the disorder sequence is a q -order moving average and show that the critical curve of the annealed model can be expressed in terms of the Perron–Frobenius eigenvalue of an explicit transfer matrix, which generalizes the annealed bound of the critical curve for i.i.d. disorder. We provide explicit values of the annealed critical curve for q = 1 and q = 2 and a weak disorder asymptotic in the general case....

On reliability analysis of consecutive k -out-of- n systems with arbitrarily dependent components

Ebrahim Salehi (2016)

Applications of Mathematics

In this paper, we consider the linear and circular consecutive k -out-of- n systems consisting of arbitrarily dependent components. Under the condition that at least n - r + 1 components ( r n ) of the system are working at time t , we study the reliability properties of the residual lifetime of such systems. Also, we present some stochastic ordering properties of residual lifetime of consecutive k -out-of- n systems. In the following, we investigate the inactivity time of the component with lifetime T r : n at the system...

On small solutions of second order differential equations with random coefficients

László Hatvani, László Stachó (1998)

Archivum Mathematicum

We consider the equation x ' ' + a 2 ( t ) x = 0 , a ( t ) : = a k if t k - 1 t < t k , for k = 1 , 2 , ... , where { a k } is a given increasing sequence of positive numbers, and { t k } is chosen at random so that { t k - t k - 1 } are totally independent random variables uniformly distributed on interval [ 0 , 1 ] . We determine the probability of the event that all solutions of the equation tend to zero as t .

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 160