Displaying 161 – 180 of 218

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Sample d -copula of order m

José M. González-Barrios, María M. Hernández-Cedillo (2013)


In this paper we analyze the construction of d -copulas including the ideas of Cuculescu and Theodorescu [5], Fredricks et al. [15], Mikusiński and Taylor [25] and Trutschnig and Fernández-Sánchez [33]. Some of these methods use iterative procedures to construct copulas with fractal supports. The main part of this paper is given in Section 3, where we introduce the sample d -copula of order m with m 2 , the central idea is to use the above methodologies to construct a new copula based on a sample. The...

Selective lack-of-memory and its application

Czesław Stępniak (2009)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

We say that a random variable X taking nonnegative integers has selective lack-of-memory (SLM) property with selector s if P(X ≥ n + s/X ≥ n) = P(X ≥ s) for n = 0,1,.... This property is characterized in an elementary manner by probabilities pₙ = P(X=n). An application in car insurance is presented.

Shuffles of Min.

Piotr Mikusinski, Howard Sherwood, Michael D. Taylor (1992)


Copulas are functions which join the margins to produce a joint distribution function. A special class of copulas called shuffles of Min is shown to be dense in the collection of all copulas. Each shuffle of Min is interpreted probabilistically. Using the above-mentioned results, it is proved that the joint distribution of any two continuously distributed random variables X and Y can be approximated uniformly, arbitrarily closely by the joint distribution of another pair X* and Y* each of which...

Stability of characterizations of distribution functions using failure rate functions

Maia Koicheva, Edward Omey (1990)

Aplikace matematiky

Let λ denote the failure rate function of the d , f . F and let λ 1 denote the failure rate function of the mean residual life distribution. In this paper we characterize the distribution functions F for which λ 1 = c λ and we estimate F when it is only known that λ 1 / λ or λ 1 - c λ is bounded.

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 218