Über ein nichtparametrisches Schätzproblem.
The problem considered is that of unbiased estimation for a two-parameter exponential distribution under time censored sampling. We obtain a necessary form of an unbiasedly estimable parametric function and prove that there does not exist any unbiased estimator of the parameters and the mean of the distribution. For reliability estimation at a specified time point, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of an unbiased estimator and suggest an unbiased estimator based on a...
The problem considered is that of unbiased estimation of reliability for a two-parameter exponential distribution under time censored sampling. We give necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator and also provide a characterization of a complete class of unbiased estimators in situations where unbiased estimators exist.
We consider the problem of estimation of the value of a real-valued function u(θ), θ = (θ1, ..., θk)T, on the basis of a sample from non-truncated or truncated multivariate Modified Power Series Distributions. Using the general theory of estimation and the results of Patil (1965) and Patel (1978) we give the tables of MVUE's for functions of parameter θ of trinomial, multinomial, negative-multinomial and left-truncated modified power series distributions. We have applied the properties of MVUE's...
The aim of the paper is to show some possible statistical solution of the estimation of the dispersion of the GPS receiver. The presented method (based on theory of linear model with additional constraints of type I) can serve for an improvement of the accuracy of estimators of coordinates acquired from the GPS receiver.
A large number of parameters in regression models can be serious obstacle for processing and interpretation of experimental data. One way how to overcome it is an elimination of some parameters. In some cases it need not deteriorate statistical properties of estimators of useful parameters and can help to interpret them. The problem is to find conditions which enable us to decide whether such favourable situation occurs.
Se estudia un método de estimación paramétrica basado en la minimización del estadístico Dn de Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Se prueba la existencia y unicidad de este estimador en familias de distribuciones monótonas en alguno de sus parámetros y se compara computacionalmente con el método de máxima verosimilitud.