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Test of linear hypothesis in multivariate models

Lubomír Kubáček (2007)


In regular multivariate regression model a test of linear hypothesis is dependent on a structure and a knowledge of the covariance matrix. Several tests procedures are given for the cases that the covariance matrix is either totally unknown, or partially unknown (variance components), or totally known.

Testing a sub-hypothesis in linear regression models with long memory covariates and errors

Hira L. Koul, Donatas Surgailis (2008)

Applications of Mathematics

This paper considers the problem of testing a sub-hypothesis in homoscedastic linear regression models when the covariate and error processes form independent long memory moving averages. The asymptotic null distribution of the likelihood ratio type test based on Whittle quadratic forms is shown to be a chi-square distribution. Additionally, the estimators of the slope parameters obtained by minimizing the Whittle dispersion is seen to be n 1 / 2 -consistent for all values of the long memory parameters...

Testing hypotheses in universal models

Eva Fišerová (2006)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

A linear regression model, when a design matrix has not full column rank and a covariance matrix is singular, is considered. The problem of testing hypotheses on mean value parameters is studied. Conditions when a hypothesis can be tested or when need not be tested are given. Explicit forms of test statistics based on residual sums of squares are presented.

Tests in weakly nonlinear regression model

Lubomír Kubáček, Eva Tesaříková (2005)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

In weakly nonlinear regression model a weakly nonlinear hypothesis can be tested by linear methods if an information on actual values of model parameters is at our disposal and some condition is satisfied. In other words we must know that unknown parameters are with sufficiently high probability in so called linearization region. The aim of the paper is to determine this region.

The Frisch scheme in algebraic and dynamic identification problems

Roberto P. Guidorzi, Roberto Diversi, Umberto Soverini (2008)


This paper considers the problem of determining linear relations from data affected by additive noise in the context of the Frisch scheme. The loci of solutions of the Frisch scheme and their properties are first described in the algebraic case. In this context two main problems are analyzed: the evaluation of the maximal number of linear relations compatible with data affected by errors and the determination of the linear relation actually linking the noiseless data. Subsequently the extension...

The LASSO estimator: Distributional properties

Rakshith Jagannath, Neelesh S. Upadhye (2018)


The least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) is a popular technique for simultaneous estimation and model selection. There have been a lot of studies on the large sample asymptotic distributional properties of the LASSO estimator, but it is also well-known that the asymptotic results can give a wrong picture of the LASSO estimator's actual finite-sample behaviour. The finite sample distribution of the LASSO estimator has been previously studied for the special case of orthogonal models....

The least trimmed squares. Part I: Consistency

Jan Ámos Víšek (2006)


The consistency of the least trimmed squares estimator (see Rousseeuw [Rous] or Hampel et al. [HamRonRouSta]) is proved under general conditions. The assumptions employed in paper are discussed in details to clarify the consequences for the applications.

The least trimmed squares. Part III: Asymptotic normality

Jan Ámos Víšek (2006)


Asymptotic normality of the least trimmed squares estimator is proved under general conditions. At the end of paper a discussion of applicability of the estimator (including the discussion of algorithm for its evaluation) is offered.

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