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Detecting atypical data in air pollution studies by using shorth intervals for regression

Cécile Durot, Karelle Thiébot (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

To validate pollution data, subject-matter experts in Airpl (an organization that maintains a network of air pollution monitoring stations in western France) daily perform visual examinations of the data and check their consistency. In this paper, we describe these visual examinations and propose a formalization for this problem. The examinations consist in comparisons of so-called shorth intervals so we build a statistical test that compares such intervals in a nonparametric regression model. This...

Detecting atypical data in air pollution studies by using shorth intervals for regression

Cécile Durot, Karelle Thiébot (2005)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

To validate pollution data, subject-matter experts in Airpl (an organization that maintains a network of air pollution monitoring stations in western France) daily perform visual examinations of the data and check their consistency. In this paper, we describe these visual examinations and propose a formalization for this problem. The examinations consist in comparisons of so-called shorth intervals so we build a statistical test that compares such intervals in a nonparametric regression model. This...

Development of the kriging method with application

Pavel Krejčíř (2002)

Applications of Mathematics

This paper describes a modification of the kriging method for working with the square root transformation of a spatial random process. We have developed this method for the situation where the spatial process observed is not supposed to be stationary but the assumption is that its square root is a second order stationary spatial random process. Consequently this method is developed for estimating the integral of the process observed and finally some application of the method is given to data from...

Dissection multi-échelle de quelques systèmes naturels : de la cryosphère Antarctique aux pulsations solaires

Sylvie Roques, Frédérique Rémy (2006)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

L’objectif de cet article est d’illustrer la nature multi-échelle de quelques systèmes naturels en sciences de l’univers. Nous nous intéressons tout d’abord à l’onde circumpolaire Antarctique, une des manifestations les plus marquantes de la variabilité australe. Sa variabilité est analysée à partir de relevés de stations de météorologie côtières du continent Antarctique, fournissant des données de température depuis 1955. Grâce à une « décomposition modale empirique » (DME) couplée à une analyse...

Drought models based on Burr XII variables

Saralees Nadarajah, B. M. Golam Kibria (2006)

Applicationes Mathematicae

Burr distributions are some of the most versatile distributions in statistics. In this paper, a drought application is described by deriving the exact distributions of U = XY and W = X/(X+Y) when X and Y are independent Burr XII random variables. Drought data from the State of Nebraska are used.

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