Displaying 101 – 120 of 502

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Baker domains for Newton’s method

Walter Bergweiler, David Drasin, James K. Langley (2007)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

For an entire function f let N ( z ) = z - f ( z ) / f ( z ) be the Newton function associated to f . Each zero ξ of f is an attractive fixed point of N and is contained in an invariant component of the Fatou set of the meromorphic function N in which the iterates of N converge to ξ . If f has an asymptotic representation f ( z ) exp ( - z n ) , n , in a sector | arg z | < ε , then there exists an invariant component of the Fatou set where the iterates of N tend to infinity. Such a component is called an invariant Baker domain.A question in the opposite direction...

Bemerkungen zum Verfahren der koordinatenweisen Suche

Dieter Oelschlägel, Herbert Süsse (1981)

Aplikace matematiky

In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird das Verfahren der koordinatenweisen Suche mit Hilfe der Intervallarithmetik realisiert. Dadurch ist es möglich, bei speziellen nichtlinearen Optimierungsproblemen alle auftretenden Fehlerarten zu erfaßen, einschliesslich eingangsbedingter Fehler. Vor- und Nachteile werden erläutert sowie Testbeispiele angegeben.

Bounds of the roots of the real polynomial

Imrich Komara (1987)

Aplikace matematiky

An algorithm for the calculation of a lower bound of the absolute values of the roots of a real algebraic polynomial, of an arbitrary degree, is derived. An example is given to compare the bounds calculated by the method proposed and by other methods.

Cayley's problem

Peter Petek (1990)

Aplikace matematiky

Newton's method for computation of a square root yields a difference equation which can be solved using the hyperbolic cotangent function. For the computation of the third root Newton's sequence presents a harder problem, which already Cayley was trying to solve. In the present paper two mutually inverse functions are defined in order to solve the difference equation, instead of the hyperbolic cotangent and its inverse. Several coefficients in the expansion around the fixed points are obtained,...

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 502