A new iterative algorithm for the set of fixed-point problems of nonexpansive mappings and the set of equilibrium problem and variational inequality problem.
In this paper, we consider a new non-interior continuation method for the solution of nonlinear complementarity problem with -function (-NCP). The proposed algorithm is based on a smoothing symmetric perturbed minimum function (SSPM-function), and one only needs to solve one system of linear equations and to perform only one Armijo-type line search at each iteration. The method is proved to possess global and local convergence under weaker conditions. Preliminary numerical results indicate that...
We propose a penalty approach for a box constrained variational inequality problem . This problem is replaced by a sequence of nonlinear equations containing a penalty term. We show that if the penalty parameter tends to infinity, the solution of this sequence converges to that of when the function involved is continuous and strongly monotone and the box contains the origin. We develop the algorithmic aspect with theoretical arguments properly established. The numerical results tested on...
Existence of a solution to the quasi-variational inequality problem arising in a model for sand surface evolution has been an open problem for a long time. Another long-standing open problem concerns determining the dual variable, the flux of sand pouring down the evolving sand surface, which is also of practical interest in a variety of applications of this model. Previously, these problems were solved for the special case in which the inequality is simply variational. Here, we introduce a regularized...
In this paper, we study the strong convergence of the proximal gradient algorithm with inertial extrapolation term for solving classical minimization problem and finding the fixed points of -demimetric mapping in a real Hilbert space. Our algorithm is inspired by the inertial proximal point algorithm and the viscosity approximation method of Moudafi. A strong convergence result is achieved in our result without necessarily imposing the summation condition on the inertial term. Finally, we provide...