Comparison of a genetic algorithm and a gradient based optimisation technique for the detection of subsurface inclusions.
Object oriented design has proven itself as a powerful tool in the field of scientific computing. Several software packages, libraries and toolkits exist, in particular in the FEM arena that follow this design methodology providing extensible, reusable, and flexible software while staying competitive to traditionally designed point tools in terms of efficiency. However, the common approach to identify classes is to turn data structures and algorithms of traditional implementations into classes such...
Object oriented design has proven itself as a powerful tool in the field of scientific computing. Several software packages, libraries and toolkits exist, in particular in the FEM arena that follow this design methodology providing extensible, reusable, and flexible software while staying competitive to traditionally designed point tools in terms of efficiency. However, the common approach to identify classes is to turn data structures and algorithms of traditional implementations into ...
We consider the symmetric FEM-BEM coupling for the numerical solution of a (nonlinear) interface problem for the 2D Laplacian. We introduce some new a posteriori error estimators based on the (h − h/2)-error estimation strategy. In particular, these include the approximation error for the boundary data, which allows to work with discrete boundary integral operators only. Using the concept of estimator reduction, we prove that the proposed adaptive...
We consider the symmetric FEM-BEM coupling for the numerical solution of a (nonlinear) interface problem for the 2D Laplacian. We introduce some new a posteriori error estimators based on the (h − h/2)-error estimation strategy. In particular, these include the approximation error for the boundary data, which allows to work with discrete boundary integral operators only. Using the concept of estimator reduction, we prove that the proposed adaptive...