O analýze neiniciálových automatov
The main purpose of this paper is to describe the design, implementation and possibilities of our object-oriented library of algorithms for dynamic optimization problems. We briefly present library classes for the formulation and manipulation of dynamic optimization problems, and give a general survey of solver classes for unconstrained and constrained optimization. We also demonstrate methods of derivative evaluation that we used, in particular automatic differentiation. Further, we briefly formulate...
This contribution gives an overview of current research in applying object oriented programming to scientific computing at the computational mechanics laboratory (LABMEC) at the school of civil engineering – UNICAMP. The main goal of applying object oriented programming to scientific computing is to implement increasingly complex algorithms in a structured manner and to hide the complexity behind a simple user interface. The following areas are current topics of research and documented within the...
This contribution gives an overview of current research in applying object oriented programming to scientific computing at the computational mechanics laboratory (LABMEC) at the school of civil engineering – UNICAMP. The main goal of applying object oriented programming to scientific computing is to implement increasingly complex algorithms in a structured manner and to hide the complexity behind a simple user interface. The following areas are current topics of research and documented within the...
The specification of the data structures used in EAT, a software system for symbolic computation in algebraic topology, is based on an operation that defines a link among different specification frameworks like hidden algebras and coalgebras. In this paper, this operation is extended using the notion of institution, giving rise to three institution encodings. These morphisms define a commutative diagram which shows three possible views of the same construction, placing it in an equational algebraic...