Data types as algorithms
Fuzzy clustering extends crisp clustering in the sense that objects can belong to various clusters with different membership degrees at the same time, whereas crisp or deterministic clustering assigns each object to a unique cluster. The standard approach to fuzzy clustering introduces the so-called fuzzifier which controls how much clusters may overlap. In this paper we illustrate, how this fuzzifier can help to reduce the number of undesired local minima of the objective function that is associated...
Fuzzy data mining by means of the fuzzy decision tree method enables the construction of a set of fuzzy rules. Such a rule set can be associated with a database as a knowledge base that can be used to help answering frequent queries. In this paper, a study is done that enables us to show that classification by means of a fuzzy decision tree is equivalent to the generalized modus ponens. Moreover, it is shown that the decision taken by means of a fuzzy decision tree is more stable when observation...
This article presents an XML[2] based language for the specification of objects in the Soft Computing area. The design promotes reuse and takes a compositional approach in which more complex constructs are built from simpler ones; it is also independent of implementation details as the definition of the language only states the expected behaviour of every possible implementation. Here the basic structures for the specification of concepts in the Fuzzy Logic area are described and a simple construct...
A flexible query model is presented for semi-structured information stored in well-formed XML documents, modeled as XML fuzzy graphs by computing estimates of the importance of the information associated to XML elements and attributes. The notion of fuzzy graph closure with threshold is then used to obtain a fuzzy extension of the XML fuzzy graphs’ topological structure. Weights associated to closure arcs are computed as a conjunction of the importance values of the underlying arcs in the original...
An effective implementation of a Directed Acyclic Word Graph (DAWG) automaton is shown. A DAWG for a text is a minimal automaton that accepts all substrings of a text , so it represents a complete index of the text. While all usual implementations of DAWG needed about 30 times larger storage space than was the size of the text, here we show an implementation that decreases this requirement down to four times the size of the text. The method uses a compression of DAWG elements, i. e. vertices,...
Nos travaux se situent dans le cadre de l'analyse conceptuelle des données. Notre objectif est de généraliser les représentations par variables binaires ou nominales en y adjoignant la modélisation de structures internes. Le problème est de ne pas perdre en complexité algorithmique ce qui est gagné en puissance de représentation. Selon ces considérations, décrire les données et des classes de données par des structures arborescentes semble un bon compromis. Le système de représentation que nous...
Après quelques considérations générales sur les relations entre les mathématiques discrètes, l'informatique et l'analyse des données, ce texte présente un ensemble de méthodes utilisant des techniques ordinales ou (et) combinatoires. A une description succinte de chaque méthode sont jointes quelques références relatives à ses aspects théoriques ainsi qu'à ses implémentations accessibles aux utilisateurs. Pour présenter ces méthodes nous les avons classées suivant la nature des tableaux de données...
The area of Information Retrieval deals with problems of storage and retrieval within a huge collection of text documents. In IR models, the semantics of a document is usually characterized using a set of terms. A common need to various IR models is an efficient term retrieval provided via a term index. Existing approaches of term indexing, e. g. the inverted list, support efficiently only simple queries asking for a term occurrence. In practice, we would like to exploit some more sophisticated...