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PAC learning under helpful distributions

François Denis, Rémi Gilleron (2001)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

A PAC teaching model – under helpful distributions – is proposed which introduces the classical ideas of teaching models within the PAC setting: a polynomial-sized teaching set is associated with each target concept; the criterion of success is PAC identification; an additional parameter, namely the inverse of the minimum probability assigned to any example in the teaching set, is associated with each distribution; the learning algorithm running time takes this new parameter into account. An Occam...

PAC Learning under Helpful Distributions

François Denis, Rémi Gilleron (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

A PAC teaching model -under helpful distributions -is proposed which introduces the classical ideas of teaching models within the PAC setting: a polynomial-sized teaching set is associated with each target concept; the criterion of success is PAC identification; an additional parameter, namely the inverse of the minimum probability assigned to any example in the teaching set, is associated with each distribution; the learning algorithm running time takes this new parameter into account. ...

Packing of (0, 1)-matrices

Stéphane Vialette (2006)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

The MATRIX PACKING DOWN problem asks to find a row permutation of a given (0,1)-matrix in such a way that the total sum of the first non-zero column indexes is maximized. We study the computational complexity of this problem. We prove that the MATRIX PACKING DOWN problem is NP-complete even when restricted to zero trace symmetric (0,1)-matrices or to (0,1)-matrices with at most two 1's per column. Also, as intermediate results, we introduce several new simple graph layout problems which...

Parallélisation sémantique

P. Jouvelot, P. Feautrier (1990)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

Pareto optimality in the kidney exchange problem

Viera Borbeľová, Katarína Cechlárová (2008)


To overcome the shortage of cadaveric kidneys available for transplantation, several countries organize systematic kidney exchange programs. The kidney exchange problem can be modelled as a cooperative game between incompatible patient-donor pairs whose solutions are permutations of players representing cyclic donations. We show that the problems to decide whether a given permutation is not (weakly) Pareto optimal are NP-complete.

Parikh test sets for commutative languages

Štěpán Holub (2008)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

A set T ⊆ L is a Parikh test set of L if c(T) is a test set of c(L). We give a characterization of Parikh test sets for arbitrary language in terms of its Parikh basis, and the coincidence graph of letters.

Paths through fixed vertices in edge-colored graphs

W. S. Chou, Y. Manoussakis, O. Megalakaki, M. Spyratos, Zs. Tuza (1994)

Mathématiques et Sciences Humaines

We study the problem of finding an alternating path having given endpoints and passing through a given set of vertices in edge-colored graphs (a path is alternating if any two consecutive edges are in different colors). In particular, we show that this problem in NP-complete for 2-edge-colored graphs. Then we give a polynomial characterization when we restrict ourselves to 2-edge-colored complete graphs. We also investigate on (s,t)-paths through fixed vertices, i.e. paths of length s+t such that...

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