Oeuvres de Lagrange Tome 6 [Book]
On the derivation of a first-order canonical set of hyperbolic Delaunay-type elements.
On the determination of the potential function from given orbits
The paper deals with the problem of finding the field of force that generates a given ()-parametric family of orbits for a mechanical system with degrees of freedom. This problem is usually referred to as the inverse problem of dynamics. We study this problem in relation to the problems of celestial mechanics. We state and solve a generalization of the Dainelli and Joukovski problem and propose a new approach to solve the inverse Suslov’s problem. We apply the obtained results to generalize the...
On the problem of stability for near to integrable Hamiltonian systems.
On the Singularities of the Newtonian two dimensional N-body Problem
Si considera un sistema bidimensionale di particelle interagenti tramite un potenziale di Newton o di Coulomb e si mostra che l’insieme delle condizioni iniziali che in un tempo finito possono condurre a delle singolarità possiede misura di Lebesgue nulla.
Optimal on-off attitude control for the Brazilian multimission platform satellite.
Orbital dynamics of a simple solar photon thruster.