Shear layer solutions of incompressible MHD and dynamo effect
We consider plasma tearing mode instabilities when the resistivity depends on a flux function (ψ), for the plane slab model. This problem, represented by the MHD equations, is studied as a bifurcation problem. For so doing, it is written in the form (I(.)-T(S,.)) = 0, where T(S,.) is a compact operator in a suitable space and S is the bifurcation parameter. In this work, the resistivity is not assumed to be a given quantity (as usually done in previous papers, see [1,2,5,7,8,9,10], but it depends...
In questo lavoro si studia la instabilità gravitazionale di un fluido comprimibile, elettroconduttore, descritto dalle equazioni della magnetofluidodinamica in presenza delle correnti di Hall e di ion slip. Si determina la condizione per la instabilità relativa ad una classe di perturbazioni assialsimmetriche.