Fuzzy Economic Order Quantity Model With Ranking Fuzzy Number Cost Parameters
Impact of Defective Items on Inventory Model Involving Controllable Setup Cost
Imperfect reworking process consideration in integrated inventory model under permissible delay in payments.
Inventory Model of Deteriorating Items with Two-Warehouse and Stock Dependent Demand Using Genetic Algorithm in Fuzzy Environment
Inventory models and trade credit: a review
Inventory Models With Stock- and Price- Dependent Demand for Deteriorating Items Based on Limited Shelf Space
Investing in lead-time variability reduction in a quality-adjusted inventory model with finite-range stochastic lead-time.
La programmation mathématique multicritère et la gestion des ressources en eau
Lagrangean Heuristic for a Multi-Plant Lot-Sizing Problem with Transfer and Storage Capacities
The paper addresses a multi-item, multi-plant lot-sizing problem with transfer costs and capacity constraints. The problem is reformulated according to a multi-commodity flow formalism, and decomposed, through Lagrangean relaxation, into a master facility location problem and a slave minimal cost multi-commodity flow problem. The decomposition framework gives rise in a natural way to designing a Lagrangean based heuristic. Numerical experiments showing the efficiency of the proposed approach are...
Le problème de collecte des ordures urbaines
Localización sobre redes estocásticas con criterio minisum.
Se considera el problema de localización de centros de servicio sobre redes estocásticas, donde los puntos de demanda son cada uno de los puntos de los arcos, así como los nodos de la red y el tiempo de duración de los trayectos, sobre los arcos de la red, son variables aleatorias discretas con distribuciones de probabilidad conocidas. Bajo un conjunto particular de supuestos, se encuentra que siempre existe un conjunto de m puntos de la red que son puntos medios de los arcos, o nodos de la red,...
Location of polygon vertices on circles and its application in transport studies
The paper deals with the problem how to locate a set of polygon vertices on given circles fulfilling some criteria of "regularity" of individual and composed polygons. Specifying the conditions we can obtain a lot of particular versions of this general problem. Some of them are already solved, the others are not. Applications of this theory can be found in scheduling of periodically repeating processes, e.g. in coordination of several urban lines on a common leg, in optimization of the rhythm of...
Maximization of distances of regular polygons on a circle
This paper presents the solution of a basic problem defined by J. Černý which solves a concrete everyday problem in railway and road transport (the problem of optimization of time-tables by some criteria).
Modelling of Unsteady Flow As a Support to the Operational Control of a Water Resources System
Multicriteria Approach to the Problem of the Integration of Suppliers into a Production Distribution System
Multifacility location problems on a sphere.
Multi-Item Fuzzy Inventory Model for Deteriorating Items With Finite Time-Horizon and Time-Dependent Demand
Multi-Item Fuzzy Inventory Problem With Space Constraint Via Geometric Programming Method
Multi-Item Inventory Model With Probabilistic Price Dependent Demand and Imprecise Goal and Constraints