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Contrôle dynamique de flux dans un système d'attente avec panne

A. Haqiq, N. Mikou (2010)

RAIRO - Operations Research

We consider two parallel M/M/1 queues. The server at one of the queues is subject to intermittent breakdowns. By the theory of dynamic programming, we determine a threshold optimal policy which consists to transfer, when it is necessary, the customers that arrive at the first queue towards the second queue in order to minimize an instantaneous cost depending of the two queue lengths.

Cooperative driving at isolated intersections based on the optimal minimization of the maximum exit time

Jia Wu, Abdeljalil Abbas-Turki, Florent Perronnet (2013)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Traditional traffic control systems based on traffic light have achieved a great success in reducing the average delay of vehicles or in improving the traffic capacity. The main idea of these systems is based on the optimization of the cycle time, the phase sequence, and the phase duration. The right-of-ways are assigned to vehicles of one or several movements for a specific time. With the emergence of cooperative driving, an innovative traffic control concept, Autonomous Intersection Management...

Cooperative networks games with elastic demands

Alain Quilliot, Fatiha Bendali, Jean Mailfert (2007)

RAIRO - Operations Research

We present here a pricing model which is an extension of the cooperative game concept and which includes a notion of elastic demand. We present some existence results as well as an algorithm, and we conclude by discussing a specific problem related to network pricing.

Coordinació hidro-tèrmica en la generació d'electricitat per fluxos no lineals multiarticle en xarxes.

Narcís Nabona Francisco (1988)


La coordinación hidrotérmica a largo plazo trata de hallar, para cada intervalo en que se subdivida un intervalo largo de tiempo, los niveles de generación hidráulica en cada embalse que minimicen el coste esperado de la generación térmica del periodo, teniendo en cuenta que los grupos térmicos no están siempre disponibles, y considerando las distribuciones de probabilidad, para cada intervalo, de la demanda y de las aportaciones de agua de cada embalse.Se extiende aquí la técnica de los flujos...

Cutwidth of the r-dimensional Mesh of d-ary Trees

Imrich Vrťo (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

We prove that the cutwidth of the r-dimensional mesh of d-ary trees is of order Θ ( d ( r - 1 ) n + 1 ) , which improves and generalizes previous results.

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