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Seasonal time series with missing observations

Tomáš Ratinger (1996)

Applications of Mathematics

Popular exponential smoothing methods dealt originally only with equally spaced observations. When time series contains gaps, smoothing constants have to be adjusted. Cipra et al., following Wright’s approach of irregularly spaced observations, have suggested ad hoc modification of smoothing constants for the Holt-Winters smoothing method. In this article the fact that the underlying model of the Holt-Winters method is a certain seasonal ARIMA is used. Minimum mean square error smoothing constants...

SURE shrinkage of gaussian paths and signal identification

Nicolas Privault, Anthony Réveillac (2011)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

Using integration by parts on Gaussian space we construct a Stein Unbiased Risk Estimator (SURE) for the drift of Gaussian processes, based on their local and occupation times. By almost-sure minimization of the SURE risk of shrinkage estimators we derive an estimation and de-noising procedure for an input signal perturbed by a continuous-time Gaussian noise.

SURE shrinkage of Gaussian paths and signal identification*

Nicolas Privault, Anthony Réveillac (2012)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

Using integration by parts on Gaussian space we construct a Stein Unbiased Risk Estimator (SURE) for the drift of Gaussian processes, based on their local and occupation times. By almost-sure minimization of the SURE risk of shrinkage estimators we derive an estimation and de-noising procedure for an input signal perturbed by a continuous-time Gaussian noise.

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