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Grafy funkcí z pohledu žáků a studentů základních, středních a vysokých škol

David Janda, Derek Pilous (2017)

Učitel matematiky

The article focuses on students' understanding of graphs of functions. Interviews were conducted with 22 students in who solved some tasks on classifications of graphs of functions. For the analysis of data, we used the theory of prototypes and the theory of exemplification and the framework of hypothetical learning trajectories. Some extracts from the interviews are given to illustrate main results. For instance, we observed that students focus on various aspects of the graph (linearity, passing...

Propedeutika pojmu funkce

Šárka Pěchoučková, Martina Kašparová, Lukáš Honzík, Jaroslav Hora (2017)

Učitel matematiky

Functions are introduced to pupils at the secondary school only. However, it is possible to include the propedeutics of functions already at nursery or primary school. At nursery, children can work with dependences, i.e. create and complete numbers sequences by means of manipulation, movement or graphic records. At primary school, learners complete numbers sequences or tables and familiarise themselves with the linear function by solving simple tasks from real life.

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