Displaying 301 – 320 of 425

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Théories de Galois différentielles et transcendance

Daniel Bertrand (2009)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

On décrit des preuves galoisiennes des versions logarithmique et exponentielle de la conjecture de Schanuel, pour les variétés abéliennes sur un corps de fonctions.

Theories of orders on the set of words

Dietrich Kuske (2006)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

It is shown that small fragments of the first-order theory of the subword order, the (partial) lexicographic path ordering on words, the homomorphism preorder, and the infix order are undecidable. This is in contrast to the decidability of the monadic second-order theory of the prefix order [M.O. Rabin, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 1969] and of the theory of the total lexicographic path ordering [P. Narendran and M. Rusinowitch, Lect. Notes Artificial Intelligence, 2000] and, in case of the subword...

Theories of orders on the set of words

Dietrich Kuske (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

It is shown that small fragments of the first-order theory of the subword order, the (partial) lexicographic path ordering on words, the homomorphism preorder, and the infix order are undecidable. This is in contrast to the decidability of the monadic second-order theory of the prefix order [M.O. Rabin, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 1969] and of the theory of the total lexicographic path ordering [P. Narendran and M. Rusinowitch, Lect. Notes Artificial Intelligence, 2000] and, in case of the ...

Currently displaying 301 – 320 of 425