Bounded dually residuated lattice ordered monoids as a generalization of fuzzy structures
We introduce a bounded lattice L = (L;∧,∨,0,1), where for each p ∈ L there exists an antitone involution on the interval [p,1]. We show that there exists a binary operation · on L such that L is term equivalent to an algebra A(L) = (L;·,0) (the assigned algebra to L) and we characterize A(L) by simple axioms similar to that of Abbott's implication algebra. We define new operations ⊕ and ¬ on A(L) which satisfy some of the axioms of MV-algebra. Finally we show what properties must be satisfied by...
In this article we focus on a special case of the Brouwer invariance of domain theorem. Let us A, B be a subsets of εn, and f : A → B be a homeomorphic. We prove that, if A is closed then f transform the boundary of A to the boundary of B; and if B is closed then f transform the interior of A to the interior of B. These two cases are sufficient to prove the topological invariance of dimension, which is used to prove basic properties of the n-dimensional manifolds, and also to prove basic properties...
In this paper we introduce a notion of "Generalized Logic" and we study some of its properties.
I primi elementi della sintassi e della semantica del Calcolo dei Predicati del primo ordine (predicati, proposizioni, formule, interpretazioni, ecc.) sono introdotti nell'ambiente delle teorie base dei Fondamenti della Matematica di [11]. Il problema della verità e falsità delle proposizioni è affontato introducendo, a fianco delle ordinarie qualità , , che non possono valutare tutte le proposizioni (Teorema 1), nuovi «oggetti metateorici», le metaqualità , che, indipendenti dalle relazioni...