Displaying 161 – 180 of 370

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Hurewicz scheme

Michal Staš (2008)

Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Mathematica et Physica

I teoremi di assolutezza in teoria degli insiemi: seconda parte

Alessandro Andretta (2003)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

Questa è la seconda parte dell’articolo espositivo [A]. Qui vedremo come siapossibile utilizzare il forcinge gli assiomi forti dell’infinito per dimostrare nuovi teoremi sui numeri reali.

Ideal limits of sequences of continuous functions

Miklós Laczkovich, Ireneusz Recław (2009)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We prove that for every Borel ideal, the ideal limits of sequences of continuous functions on a Polish space are of Baire class one if and only if the ideal does not contain a copy of Fin × Fin. In particular, this is true for F σ δ ideals. In the proof we use Borel determinacy for a game introduced by C. Laflamme.

Ideals induced by Tsirelson submeasures

Ilijas Farah (1999)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We use Tsirelson’s Banach space ([2]) to define an F σ P-ideal which refutes a conjecture of Mazur and Kechris (see [12, 9, 8]).

Incomparable, non-isomorphic and minimal Banach spaces

Christian Rosendal (2004)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

A Banach space contains either a minimal subspace or a continuum of incomparable subspaces. General structure results for analytic equivalence relations are applied in the context of Banach spaces to show that if E₀ does not reduce to isomorphism of the subspaces of a space, in particular, if the subspaces of the space admit a classification up to isomorphism by real numbers, then any subspace with an unconditional basis is isomorphic to its square and hyperplanes, and the unconditional basis has...

Infinite asymptotic games

Christian Rosendal (2009)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We study infinite asymptotic games in Banach spaces with a finite-dimensional decomposition (F.D.D.) and prove that analytic games are determined by characterising precisely the conditions for the players to have winning strategies. These results are applied to characterise spaces embeddable into p sums of finite dimensional spaces, extending results of Odell and Schlumprecht, and to study various notions of homogeneity of bases and Banach spaces. The results are related to questions of rapidity...

Lelek fan from a projective Fraïssé limit

Dana Bartošová, Aleksandra Kwiatkowska (2015)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We show that a natural quotient of the projective Fraïssé limit of a family that consists of finite rooted trees is the Lelek fan. Using this construction, we study properties of the Lelek fan and of its homeomorphism group. We show that the Lelek fan is projectively universal and projectively ultrahomogeneous in the class of smooth fans. We further show that the homeomorphism group of the Lelek fan is totally disconnected, generated by every neighbourhood of the identity, has a dense conjugacy...

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 370