Displaying 381 – 400 of 1336

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On generating sets of induced-hereditary properties

Gabriel Semanišin (2002)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A natural generalization of the fundamental graph vertex-colouring problem leads to the class of problems known as generalized or improper colourings. These problems can be very well described in the language of reducible (induced) hereditary properties of graphs. It turned out that a very useful tool for the unique determination of these properties are generating sets. In this paper we focus on the structure of specific generating sets which provide the base for the proof of The Unique Factorization...

On generating snarks

Busiso P. Chisala (1998)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

We discuss the construction of snarks (that is, cyclically 4-edge connected cubic graphs of girth at least five which are not 3-edge colourable) by using what we call colourable snark units and a welding process.

On graceful colorings of trees

Sean English, Ping Zhang (2017)

Mathematica Bohemica

A proper coloring c : V ( G ) { 1 , 2 , ... , k } , k 2 of a graph G is called a graceful k -coloring if the induced edge coloring c ' : E ( G ) { 1 , 2 , ... , k - 1 } defined by c ' ( u v ) = | c ( u ) - c ( v ) | for each edge u v of G is also proper. The minimum integer k for which G has a graceful k -coloring is the graceful chromatic number χ g ( G ) . It is known that if T is a tree with maximum degree Δ , then χ g ( T ) 5 3 Δ and this bound is best possible. It is shown for each integer Δ 2 that there is an infinite class of trees T with maximum degree Δ such that χ g ( T ) = 5 3 Δ . In particular, we investigate for each integer Δ 2 a...

On graceful trees.

Hegde, Suresh Manjanath, Shetty, Sudhakar (2002)

Applied Mathematics E-Notes [electronic only]

On graph associated to co-ideals of commutative semirings

Yahya Talebi, Atefeh Darzi (2017)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let R be a commutative semiring with non-zero identity. In this paper, we introduce and study the graph Ω ( R ) whose vertices are all elements of R and two distinct vertices x and y are adjacent if and only if the product of the co-ideals generated by x and y is R . Also, we study the interplay between the graph-theoretic properties of this graph and some algebraic properties of semirings. Finally, we present some relationships between the zero-divisor graph Γ ( R ) and Ω ( R ) .

On Graph-Based Cryptography and Symbolic Computations

V. A., Ustimenko (2007)

Serdica Journal of Computing

We have been investigating the cryptographical properties of in nite families of simple graphs of large girth with the special colouring of vertices during the last 10 years. Such families can be used for the development of cryptographical algorithms (on symmetric or public key modes) and turbocodes in error correction theory. Only few families of simple graphs of large unbounded girth and arbitrarily large degree are known. The paper is devoted to the more general theory of directed graphs of large...

On graphs all of whose {C₃,T₃}-free arc colorations are kernel-perfect

Hortensia Galeana-Sánchez, José de Jesús García-Ruvalcaba (2001)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A digraph D is called a kernel-perfect digraph or KP-digraph when every induced subdigraph of D has a kernel. We call the digraph D an m-coloured digraph if the arcs of D are coloured with m distinct colours. A path P is monochromatic in D if all of its arcs are coloured alike in D. The closure of D, denoted by ζ(D), is the m-coloured digraph defined as follows: V( ζ(D)) = V(D), and A( ζ(D)) = ∪_{i} {(u,v) with colour i: there exists a monochromatic...

On graphs G for which both g and G̅ are claw-free

Shinya Fujita (2005)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Let G be a graph with |V(G)| ≥ 10. We prove that if both G and G̅ are claw-free, then minΔ(G), Δ(G̅) ≤ 2. As a generalization of this result in the case where |V(G)| is sufficiently large, we also prove that if both G and G̅ are K 1 , t -free, then minΔ(G),Δ(G̅) ≤ r(t- 1,t)-1 where r(t-1,t) is the Ramsey number.

Currently displaying 381 – 400 of 1336